Paterson employee indicted for stealing gasoline from city | Paterson Times

Paterson employee indicted for stealing gasoline from city


A city employee was indicted Tuesday for allegedly creating multiple false access cards which allowed him to steal gasoline from the city’s municipal gasoline pumps for use in his private vehicles, according to the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office.

Rafael Feliciano, 60-year-old, allegedly siphoned more than $9,000 worth of gasoline from the city, authorities said. He’s been allegedly stealing gas from the city from April 4, 2012 through April 21, 2014, discovered a city police investigation.

Feliciano worked as a motor pool supervisor for the city, authorities said. Authorities have charged him with official misconduct and theft.

The second-degree charge of official misconduct that has been brought against Feliciano is punishable by 10 years of prison time with a mandatory minimum of five-year serve-time before parole eligibility, according to authorities.

The third-degree charge of theft carries five years in state prison.

Feliciano has been working in the city since May 1985, according to municipal records. His salary was $77,000.

  • Scott Hanley

    30 years of work, thrown away for $9,000. I guess it's hard to live on $77,000. Personally, I hope this (alleged)thief loses his pension & health benefits.

  • Unc

    I'm so Happy you got that job over me Ralphie!!!!! Ha ha ha ha Perfect supervisor, I wouldn't let him fix a flat! And my ASE certs have done me fine, Chump!!!
