Paterson resident defends Farmboy supermarket for affordable prices | Paterson Times

Paterson resident defends Farmboy supermarket for affordable prices


This morning, I came across a letter to the editor under the headline, “Fair Lawn resident slams Paterson’s Farmboy supermarket for allegedly selling cage farm eggs”. The author of this letter criticizes the supermarket for selling eggs harvested under cruel conditions, and proudly announces that she will not buy eggs from them unless they can keep up with the likes of Whole Foods and Fairway Market. Unfortunately, many Patersonians do not have the luxury to pick and choose their supermarkets as she does. The author of this letter forgets her privilege.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the average Fair Lawn resident earned $41,400 per capita in 2014 (the most recent data available). By contrast, the average Patersonian earned $16,259. With a per capita earning that more than doubles that of a Patersonian, a Fair Lawn resident naturally affords luxuries that Patersonians do not. My own family shops from local bodegas because we often run short on time and money. We do not have the means to drive to the nearest Whole Foods and buy completely cruelty free foods. We worry about having enough to pay rent, we worry about having enough gas money, we worry about paying off student loans.

Of course, we worry about our diet as well, but we do not have the luxury of worrying about the labels on our eggs. It is difficult enough to regularly provide well-rounded meals to a family on a low income in the first place, regardless of whether or not those meals are fully organic, farm fresh or whatever the labels are that other families get to worry about. So when a supermarket opens near our home, we accept what we are given. We do not complain, because we do not have the luxury to complain. The Farmboy supermarket may not be perfect, but it offers better prices than where my family previously purchased foods, and that is honestly a blessing.

The author of this morning’s letter clearly does not need to think about the kinds of things that the average Patersonian does. She comes from a place of privilege and has apparently become upset that her surrounding towns do not meet her standard of luxury. I ask her and the other members of a more privileged society to consider those who do not get to live the lives they do. Things are not always perfect, but there are people who depend on those imperfections to get by.

Stephanie Avila
Paterson resident

  • Yogi Zuna

    I think you are going a bit too far with your criticism of her letter to the editor. I am not exactly wealthy either, but no, we do not have to "accept what we are given", as you so plainly put it. The problem here is with the parent company of Farm Boy, not really with the Farm Boy store itself. They are one of the few corporations left that still treat the hens producing their eggs cruelly. By just giving in as you are doing, you are attempting to justify that lower income people just have to accept whatever comes their way without any complaining or protest at all, which tends to keep them down and in their place, which I am sure the
    corporations appreciate. I will have none of that kind of attitude, because I sincerely believe it is unjustified and wrong. How poor I am makes no little or no difference in this case.

  • WarINC

    I'll vote with my dollar, which, I'll spend at Farmboy, they have amazing prices so far.

  • Monther Harb

    So far i noticed the Farm Boy Fruit and Vegetable and Meat products has better Quality and Tasting than Costco and Fairway Products….Thanks to the owners of Farm Boy for opening it's first Branch in Paterson.

  • Keith Glasse

    The original letter said even Walmart is against keeping chickens in the crates. I don't think it's about price. It sounds like every other store is against this, not just Whole Foods. For once I feel good about shopping at Walmart!

  • Steven bardlen

    You said the author of the other letter should "consider those who do not get to live the lives they do" but I think that's what she was asking us to do for those chickens. I sure wouldn't want to live they way they do in a crowded cage. I wouldn't keep my cat in a cage because that would be cruel. But chickens are animals too and it sounds like their lives suck. Makes me wanna stop eating eggs actually.

  • Stanley Smith

    I stopped eating meat and eggs because I couldn’t afford it. Beans and pasta are so much cheaper sources of protein!
