Election 2012: Where Do You Stand? | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Election 2012: Where Do You Stand?

By P.T.
Published: August 31, 2012

Paterson, inside the 8th congressional district, is known for voting blue on election day: in 2000, 60-perecent of the votes went to Al Gore; in 2004, John Kerry bagged 59-perecent of the votes, and in 2008, Barack Obama captured 63-percent of all votes cast. That data according to the Swing State Project.

How will you vote on 6th November? Here is a quiz, take it and figure out where you stand on the political spectrum, are you a moderate Republican or are you a liberal Democrat?

Click here or on the quiz link above.

Wherever you stand on issues be it on the red or on the blue, vote on Nov. 6, 2012.

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