Napier School Re-Opens
By P.T.
Published: September 4, 2012
A public school, Dr. Frank Napier, Jr. Academy of Technology and Leadership, located in the crime-ridden neighborhood of Clinton Street will reopen this Friday, the school building had to be shut down because of the floods that engulfed the city last year, reported a small time news source. Students enrolled into the school were scattered across the city; they were forced to have classes in buildings without computers, and were running from place to place for lunch and gym. This all will come to an end this September when that school reopens for its pupils.
It seems, this is not the first time the school is opening after the repairs were completed, a webpage on the Paterson Board of Education website states that there were classes that were taking place during the summer, “July 6 and the week of July 9-13″. The page was last modified on: Thursday, July 05, 2012 10:41:13 AM.
Students and parents are overjoyed with the re-opening of Napier Academy because it means a more stable school environment, and the students will be able to eat lunch at their own school rather than running about to other public buildings.