Christie: Paterson “shouldn’t be asking Trenton for more money.” | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Christie: Paterson “shouldn’t be asking Trenton for more money.”

By P.T.
Published: September 24, 2012

Last week some officials in the city council considered declaring Paterson in a state of emergency due to the surge in crime — the measure is to be voted on this week. If the effort were successful, Paterson would receive more money from Trenton, but that seems unlikely from the remarks made by Chris Christie, the Republican governor of New Jersey, said to PolitickerNJ: “They’re already getting a large amount of state aid. They shouldn’t be asking Trenton for more money.”

The money would have gone to training and hiring more police officers to patrol the violent streets of Paterson.

After hearing the remarks, Mayor Jeffery Jones said he agreed with the governor, and scolded the city council for attempting to declare the city in a state of emergency. In one sentence Mr Jones said, “We’ve been working with the state and crime is what it is,” referring to the deployment of state troopers in some of the most crime plagued areas. He also made vague references to the ongoing spat between himself and the city council.

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