12 Prostitutes and 5 Johns Arrested
By P.T.
Published: October 28, 2012
Passaic County Sheriff’s Office arrested 5 johns, those who solicit prostitutes, and 12 streetwalker, those who walk around streets selling sex, reported a local paper. The arrests were made in the prostitution belt of Paterson located along Market, Ellison and Van Houten streets.
Save just one trick the rest were from outside the city: 2 were residents of Connecticut, 1 from Lodi, and 1 from Oakland; the strumpets also came from different areas of the state, but majority of them were from the city, the rest came from Elmwood Park, Hackensack, among others.
Most had outstanding warrants under their names and were handed over to the proper authorities while others without a record were released pending court hearing.
In 2009, Meredith Mandell, a freelance reporter, wrote for the Record about the desperate individuals that lurk along the prostitution belt, most of whom were drug addicts working and selling themselves to buy the next fix. Since, then little has changed down desperation street, as demonstrated by the recent arrests.