Letter: About our BOE member | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Letter: About our BOE member

By Gilman Choudhury
Published: January 31, 2014

I’m writing to you in regards to someone who has done a great deal of work for the Paterson School District. He is a man of character, honorable in his passion for the students and parents he works for. He works hard fighting battles that others have given up on such as giving back to his community. As an elected official, he is an example of working for the public good. The man I speak of is Board of Education Commissioner Corey L. Teague.

I had the honor of working with him during the last few years. In those times, I have found him to be a noble individual who does what is needed. May it be advocating for the rights of special needs children or helping parents navigate the education system, Mr. Teague has proven that he stands by the school district and the citizens of his community.

In his latest venture Mr. Teague is organizing with a grassroots movement that is actively helping people around Paterson apply for the Affordable Health Care Act. This is by far no easy task. As many of you know our city is one that is struggling economically and is lacking in health services for the poor. With so many people in need of health care, resources out there to help people apply are too few and far in between. However Mr. Teague has taken it upon himself to advocate for the ones in our society that need it the most.

His drive to solve this issue of social injustice is something that we can all be proud of, believing it to be the issue of our times. Health care should be a universal right and not the holdings of the few who are rich or lucky. It is that reasoning that Mr. Teague finds himself centered in the debate of our generation. Yet like all movements that are built upon the foundations of truth and fairness, this to will be won and remembered for years to come. So will the people who fought on the ground for this noble cause.

I thank Mr. Teague for his work, his commitment to our city, and his drive to right the wrongs of society. In the end I find the best way I can explain the type of person he is, is by using a quote from the “Lays of Ancient Rome” by Thomas Babington Macaulay. “To every man upon this earth, Death cometh soon or late. And how can a man die better, Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his Gods.”

Gilman Choudhury
Parent Coordinator
Paterson Public Schools

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