Teague: We cannot sit idly by and allow the shootings to continue | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Teague: We cannot sit idly by and allow the shootings to continue

By Corey Teague
Published: June 14, 2014


I am writing this letter with extreme agony. I am disgusted about the recent news article I read online about seven people getting shot. I waited to see what would be done. If any measures would be taken to stop things like this from happening. To my dismay, nothing. I am sick and tired of the gun violence taking place in our city. I have two children and I am afraid to take them out most of the time for fear of all the gun violence. Someone must call attention to it and then it must be addressed. Up until now, it has only been discussed.

It’s time for the residents of the city of Paterson to get equally as angry about the shootings as we did in the case with the children last week. We need to unite and demand that measure be taken to secure our streets from gun violence. It will be impossible to save our children unless we first address and rid our city of gun violence and all forms of violence. I recently made the suggestion about staging the biggest demonstration Paterson has ever seen. We need to get serious about what is happening in our streets.

Anytime people from the outside can come inside and attempt to diagnose the conditions of our city, there is a problem. We cannot remain silent any longer. We cannot sit idly by and allow the shootings to continue. Someone has to bring a stop to it. From what I understand, the recent shooting took place at the exact location where the prayer vigil occurred back in March. There has to be a revolution in this city against the violence immediately. Especially since all eyes are on Paterson at this point.

I am calling on every community person who wants to be a part of the biggest demonstration in Paterson’s history against violence to join me. I don’t know about you, but I refuse to allow anyone to come here and tell us that our children are worthless. I am appalled by the comments that I have seen by outsiders (not associated with rescue group) towards our children. With the recent shooting, those outsiders are making a mockery of us. We cannot just continue to sit back and behave the shootings and killings are alright.

We have had rallies and marches and events galore. I am calling for a demonstration. I mean, shutting the city down until our demands are met to end the violence that plagues our streets. Together, we can make it happen. Aren’t you tired of logging on to various news or media outlets just to see another person has been gunned down? When will enough be enough? I’m sick of it. And you should be as well. We cannot depend on anyone to solve our problems. We have to do it for ourselves. If not us, who? If not now, when?

I am tired of people putting our city down. It’s time to show the world that there are residents in Paterson who care about the city. It’s time to stop sitting back and allowing everyone to lambaste our city, using broad brushes to paint the picture that every resident in this town promotes violence in some way. That is just not true and I am ready to prove it once and for all. Who will be bold enough to stand up with me and say: “We have had it and we want our city back!” Join me, let’s take back Paterson for the sake of our children.

Corey Teague
School board member

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