North Jersey Girl Scouts selling cookies over the internet | Paterson Times Paterson Times

North Jersey Girl Scouts selling cookies over the internet

By Jonathan Greene
Published: January 28, 2015


For the first time in its history, the Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey will be taking online order for their annual cookies sale.

“Girls learn so much from the Girl Scout Cookie Program, and this new digital aspect of the program will give girls a chance to learn even more skills that will help them going forward,” Betty A. Garger, president and CEO of Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey, said.

Digital orders will be placed through websites maintained by troops to market their cookies to local customers. Consumers will be able to pay via credit card after which cookies will be shipped by the troops.

The girls will learn digital money management using dashboards to track sales and accomplish goals.

Girl scouts began taking orders on January 10 and will continue through February 7. Seven assortment of cookies will be sold at $4 per box including a new variety of oatmeal and raisn cookies called “Rah Rah Raisins.”

“Girls also love running their own cookie businesses and are excited about the new digital way of participating in this Girl Scout tradition,” Garger said.

After February 7, the girls will continue selling cookies traditionally by setting up booths in local businesses. Girls will also sale Toffee-tastic or gluten-free cookies at their booths for $5. The gluten-free cookies cost little more to produce resulting in a slightly higher price.

Selling cookies teaches girls five vital skills, goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics, the organization says. Skills that have made two-thirds of all female heads of Fortune 500 companies cite their Girl Scouts experiences as having taught them basic business acumen.

Proceeds of the cookie sales are used to fund activities of the Girl Scouts. It also funds volunteer training, maintenance of camp properties, and the upkeep of service centers. Troop proceeds, stay within the local community, and also help fund community service projects like beautification plans or collection drives.

Local food pantries and food banks also benefit when girls take orders for cookies allowing customers to purchase additional cookies for donation to local pantries and banks.

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