City awards $43,000 printer rental contract | Paterson Times Paterson Times

City awards $43,000 printer rental contract

By Jayed Rahman
Published: April 15, 2015


The city’s governing body on Tuesday evening approved $43,666 to rent printers for the health and human services department from Fairfield-based Kyocera.

The contract includes six Kyocera 3501 machines with scanner, printer, fax with reverse automatic document processor and dual 500 sheet paper draws at $109 per month for 48 months for a total cost of $31,441, according to city resolution awarding the contract.

The city is also getting a Kyocera 3551ci color, scanner, printer, with reverse automatic document processor and dual 500 sheet paper draws at a cost of $255 per month for 48 months for $12,225, according to city records.

One of the city’s deputy mayors Robert “Bobby” Vannoy works for the Fairfield-based company. City officials said there was no conflict of interest because Vannoy holds a ceremonial post.

Council members approved the contract which was inside their consent agenda — a large number of resolutions that are approved as a single item — without any discussions.

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