Paterson slow to implement residential permit parking in Eastside section | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson slow to implement residential permit parking in Eastside section

By Jayed Rahman
Published: September 15, 2015


Almost two months after the municipal council approved an ordinance creating residential permit parking for a portion of East 38th and 39th Streets in the Eastside section the city has yet to implement the measure.

“I expected things running 21 days after the ordinance passed,” said Kenneth Morris, councilman at-large, who pushed the measure through the council.

The ordinance was approved on July 28th, 2015 after a group of residents complained about patrons of troublesome nightclub Bonfire Mofongo House occupying parking spots thereby forcing residents to park far away from their homes.

Morris sent a memorandum to mayor Jose “Joey” Torres’ administration for an update on the implementation of the ordinance, but has yet to receive a response, he said on Monday morning.

“We intended it to kick in, but it’s up to the administration to come up with the operational plan for the decal and how residents would get a hold of them,” said council president William McKoy, who represents the 3rd Ward.

The city’s law director Domenick Stampone said the administration is still working on developing an operational plan. He said the city is getting prices for permits and compiling a list of homeowners for the two blocks.

East 38th Street between Market and 21st Avenue; and East 39th Street between Market Street and Vreeland Avenue have been designated as resident only parking zones from Friday 5 p.m. to Saturday 8 a.m. and Saturday 5 p.m. to Monday 8 a.m., according to the ordinance.

Stampone said homeowners will “soon” be mailed letters with instructions on how to obtain the decals. The city has yet to decide whether to purchase adhesive decals or rear mirror hanging decals.

When asked whether the implementation of the ordinance will take months or weeks, Stampone said, “Not months at all.”

“The hopes is to get this done as soon as possible,” said the law director. “Certainly not months, but I can’t give you a date.”

Eastside section residents living near the notorious nightclub in whose vicinity a shooting incident left three people wounded early Saturday morning told council members at times patrons of the club parked on the streets blocking driveways and other times vandalizing their automobiles.

McKoy, referring to the weekend shooting on East 39th Street, said residential parking may not fix the neighborhood disturbances and loud music – which remains an issue despite the club’s management promising a fix – but it will provide area residents returning from work with space to park.

“At the end of the day when things don’t get done it’s the council that ends up shouldering the public miscontent,” said Morris. “Folks are going to come down and complain and accuse us of not doing our job when the council has done its job.”

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