Paterson’s Oasis opening registration for women’s adult education classes | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson’s Oasis opening registration for women’s adult education classes

By Paterson Times Staff
Published: June 24, 2016


Oasis is opening registration for its fall 2016 adult education classes beginning Monday, June 27, 2016 at 9 a.m., announced the nonprofit organization.

Registrations are being held at 59 Mill Street in Paterson for the following classes:

The programs being offered are free for women. Those registering for GED prep, ESL, Computers, American Citizenship, and Workplace Readiness are being asked to bring phot identification, proof of income, social security card, and a $25 registration fee.

For certificate programs registrants should contact Evelyn Cuciti at (973) 881-8307 x124 for registration requirements.

“The programs of Oasis are focused on helping women rise out of poverty, and we offer a full complement of classes aimed to help women improve their lives,” Jennifer Brady, executive director for Oasis, said. ”By offering these programs in a safe, supportive environment, we create a unique learning environment where women can holistically address and overcome the challenges they face.”

Oasis provides wrap-around services for woman including childcare for pre-school age children during classes, meals, food pantry, clothing, social services, and other assistance.

Mothers must bring their child’s birth certificate, immunization record, universal health form, social security card, and $25 registration fee in order to enroll them into onsite child care program.

Registration fee for the second child is $15.

Oasis has been empowering women for almost 20 years. It serves 600 women and children every day.

Registration for the classes start on Monday, June 27, 2016 at 9 a.m. at the Oasis building located at 59 Mill Street in Paterson.

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