Teague: Paterson is far from where it needs to be
By Corey Teague
Published: July 2, 2016
As we participate the inaugural festivities and witness the reorganization of our city council we must not lose sight of the amount of work we have to do in order to see our city thrive again.
Today, we welcome two new members to the Paterson City Council: Councilman Luis Velez from the 5th Ward and Councilman Shahin Khalique from the 2nd Ward. It is no secret that our city is on the verge of an economic meltdown. Crime, drugs, prostitution, a school system that is being illegally underfunded by a governor who is hell-bent on pushing charters and a lapse in the socioeconomic structure.
We have a runaway mayor who has yet to be called to the carpet to answer for his questionable actions with regards to the DPW. Taxes continue to skyrocket as services continue to diminish. Quality of life issues are being addressed but not nearly as fast or as efficient as they should be. We cannot get caught up in the moment.
As we celebrate let us keep in mind the sobering reality that Paterson is far from where it needs to be. Perhaps, the newly elected council members will bring something to the table which will effect tangible changes within the city. Let’s congratulate our council but let us also immediately put them on notice that we will hold them accountable to fulfill their obligations to us, the residents of Paterson, the voters.
Corey Teague
Former school board member and activist