Paterson school district cuts custodians contract by $1.5 million | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson school district cuts custodians contract by $1.5 million

By Jayed Rahman
Published: October 7, 2016


The city’s school district reduced its $9.5 million maintenance contract for more than 50 buildings by $1.5 million over the summer as part of cuts made to the district’s budget.

The district’s contract with East Rutherford-based TEMCO Building Maintenance was reduced to $8 million for the 2016-17 school year, according to a resolution approved by the school board on Wednesday night.

As a result of the cuts TEMCO will provide the district with 192 custodians rather than 226 it provided last year. The district has 47 chiefs of custodians who supervise the employees provided by the contractor.

The 34 custodians cut were likely Paterson residents. Thomas Giblin, business manager for Operating Engineers Local 68, which represents the custodians, said over the summer the cuts would claim the jobs of as many as 40 custodial workers who reside in the city.

Over the summer custodians saw one-hour reduced from their schedule every day and their work days were reduced by 10 days, according to district officials.

“The level of service will deteriorate as far as cleanliness of the schools,” Giblin told the Paterson Times over the summer.

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