After criticism, Paterson school board schedules budget meeting for Wednesday | Paterson Times Paterson Times

After criticism, Paterson school board schedules budget meeting for Wednesday

By Jayed Rahman
Published: March 6, 2017


After receiving criticism for its handling of the budget, the Paterson school board has scheduled a special meeting on Wednesday.

Community members and parents will have an opportunity to give their recommendations and priorities for next school year’s budget. Meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. at the Paterson Public Schools headquarters at 90 Delaware Avenue.

“This is what they attacked me about,” said school board member Jonathan Hodges. “At this last meeting we demanded they have it.” He has been a vociferous critic of his colleagues for their handling of the budget. His flyer distributed through social network suggesting the board was involved in a less than transparent process in preparing its budget earned him heavy criticism from his opponents on the board.

“They attacked me because I tried to fight for this,” said Hodges.

The school board scheduled two meetings for budget discussions. One on Wednesday, March 8th and the other on Wednesday, March 15th, 2017.

School board member Flavio Rivera, chairman of the fiscal committee, said a preliminary budget document for the district will be presented at the meeting. The district faces a $20 million deficit, according to board members.

Rivera said various departments have been asked to find ways to close the gap without reducing instruction and without laying off employees.

“We got what the public needed to have,” said Hodges. “It’s important for the public to come and take advantage of it.” He invited the entire city to attend the meeting.

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