Teague: I won’t run for school board | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Teague: I won’t run for school board

By Corey Teague
Published: July 17, 2017


We have reached the time of year that everyone is preparing to position themselves to run for office. I have heard various rumors throughout the city and I’d like the opportunity to clear it up. Once and for all.

Hopefully, this will answer any questions you may have. First, I want to make it emphatically clear that I will NOT be running for a seat on the school board, the council or any other local political office. To be perfectly honest, the place in I’m at this moment is such that I wouldn’t even attempt to move away from. It took a while for me elevate to the zen like State that I am in at this moment.

I will not let anything or anyone, including politics to disturb that peace. The only regret is that I didn’t seek this peace prior to first deciding to run in 2011. However, I want to be clear that I will be at the microphone at meetings, I will continue to assist parents, I will continue to be the community activist that I have been since 1996. No one will stop that. Paterson politics are a pastime for me. A distant memory. One of the reasons why I wasn’t cut out for that line of work was because I couldn’t look people in the eye and tell them lies. I had to speak up on issues. I had to take a position. Most politicians can’t do that for fear of alienating part or all of their voter base. To the Paterson community I will continue to be your voice in the city.

I wish to thank all of my supports who urged me to run in 2012, 2015 & 2016. You will always hold a special place in my heart.

Corey L. Teague is a former Paterson board of education member.

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