Paterson gets $27 million in state aid | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson gets $27 million in state aid

By Jayed Rahman
Published: March 16, 2018


The city has received $27 million, entire amount it sought late last year, in transitional aid to balance its 2018 fiscal year budget.

Mayor Jane Williams-Warren’s administration had expressed optimism the city will receive the full amount in state aid following the election of governor Phil Murphy. City officials have been waiting for months to receive an award letter to adopt their fiscal 2018 budget.

Tammori Petty, spokeswoman for the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (DCA), confirmed the award on Friday afternoon. This is the largest award to the city since 2011. In the past two fiscal years, the city received $25 million.

With the award, the administration will be able to present a final budget to the city council for adoption.

The administration introduced an overall $279.52 million budget in November. The mayor’s budget increases taxes on homeowners by 2.5-percent. The municipal portion of the budget increases to $155.22 from last year’s $151.37 million, according to the budget.

The administration promised to reduce the budget prior to adoption.

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