McKoy owes a debt of gratitude to MLK | Paterson Times Paterson Times

McKoy owes a debt of gratitude to MLK

By To the Editor
Published: April 5, 2018


While others spent the day remembering and celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one councilman decided to use the occasion and MLK’s name to attack an opponent during a mayoral debate. His comments were both surprising and utterly disrespectful for a man that we all owe a debt of gratitude to.

MLK is the very reason councilman McKoy and others like him can hold an elected office today.

This is just another example of McKoy ‘s continued arrogance and his impotence to effectively lead. While his actions campaign slogan taunts “leadership and integrity” his actions and words fall short of both. He has continued to master the art of “sleight of hand” politics: the ability to tell you everything wrong about an opponent while he and some members of his campaign team are doing the exact same thing or worse. His palpable obsession with candidate Andre Sayegh has muted his message and highlighted his educated ignorance.

McKoy is a walking example of the ultimate hypocrisy. He and some members of his team highlight Sayegh’s campaign events, their price and with whom they are with while failing to disclose his out of county fundraising events and with whom those are with. At least we know the players sponsoring Andre’s event. McKoy didn’t raise over 100K from Paterson residents alone. Who is supporting him?

Next, last night he questioned Andre’s absence in the debate. His team failed to point out councilman Alex Mendez’s absence at two prior debates. Additionally, his team continues to point out Andre’s relationship with a prominent developer yet, McKoy is the largest and most consistent benefactor of that same developer on a yearly basis. Lastly, he claims to be responsible for Route 20 and the development of Center City Mall but somehow denounces Andre for taking credit for his work in the 6th Ward.

The list goes on and on. It is hypocrisy at best.

All of a sudden McKoy wants to lead — now he wants to be transparent and accountable? Really? Beyond being laughable, it is ridiculous to say a person that boasts about being a councilman for 18 years has raised taxes 14 of those years. Come on. Give me a break.

He has had ample opportunity to lead, initiate programs for a transparent government and be accountable for your actions (voting 15 times for tax increases) yet he continues to fail in leadership.

Paterson doesn’t need that kind of leadership and experience. They need a leader with vision to move the city forward. McKoy should be viewed through the rear-view mirror not in the pathway ahead.

Written by Mike Williams and Wayne Witherspoon

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