Teague: All-boys school needs teachers ‘willing to go above and beyond for students’
By Corey Teague
Published: June 12, 2018

I read the recent letter submitted by PEA President John McEntee. In the letter, Mr. McEntee demanded an apology from Assistant Superintendent Warren because of her comments regarding the types of teachers being sought to serve the students at the Young Men’s Academy.
First, I want to go on record that I wholeheartedly support Ms. Warren’s statement. This school need to be staffed with teachers who are willing to go above and beyond for the students. They need to know how to work with you black and brown men, who are disproportionately impacted and targeted every single day.
It is crucial that we make sure the teachers who sign up to work at that school are willing able and committed to the task at hand. I don’t see Ms. Warren’s comments as being condescending or demeaning. I believe she has a right to voice her opinion like anyone else.
She is one of the most professional individuals I’ve ever had the privilege to meet. I don’t feel that replacing her would be a good idea, despite what the PEA is attempting to see happen.
Corey L. Teague
Former school board member