Ex-Paterson BOE member rejoices at PARCC court ruling
By Corey Teague
Published: January 2, 2019
I read an article this morning online that stated a NJ Appellate Court struck down a requirement that students must pass two state exams before they can graduate high school. Since 2015 I have been on the front line with many state education activism groups like Save Our Schools NJ & NJ Kids and Families to protest the PARCC and to encourage parents to opt out of the controversial exams.
I look forward to the next steps the state DOE will present as long as the PARCC isn’t in those plans. It’s time to move on from Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
Teachers shouldn’t have their time inundated with preparing for tests like the PARCC. Many students have become depressed and anxious over the course of the past 3 years due to PARCC testing.
I’ll continue to stand firm and push back against PARCC until it is no more.
Corey Teague
Former school board member