Paterson renovates City Hall offices for $42,000 | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson renovates City Hall offices for $42,000

By Jayed Rahman
Published: September 4, 2019


Mayor Andre Sayegh’s administration renovated four office spaces and a conference room in the business administration office for $41,908, according to municipal records.

Municipal records show replacement of carpets for $15,215, purchase of office glass partitions for $11,850, and office furniture — 2 desks with hutch, 4 wood arm chairs, 2 credenzas, a table with four chairs, 4 guest chairs, and a cabinet — for $11,525.

$2,218 was spent on lighting and $860 on paint and paint supplies, according to records. A pair of public works employees put in 10 hours of overtime for the renovation work.

Municipal officials said an old “smelly” and “soiled” carpet was replaced and the space given a facelift.

Cost includes furniture for the new innovation bureau — made up of a chief innovation officer and a chief data officer — that will be run out of the business administration office.

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