Paterson BOE member visits Atlanta
By Corey Teague
Published: February 6, 2020
I am writing this letter to express my deep appreciation to the people of Atlanta, Georgia for showing me such hospitality warmth and kindness during my visit here. Although the reason for me coming was to attend an educational conference, I could not miss the opportunity to visit world renowned historical sites such as Ebenezer Baptist Church and the birth home of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
During my time here I was able to reflect on the importance of the different educational tools that are available for students across the country. I am pleased to report that I have gathered and ascertained a plethora of information, that I’m bringing back to the Paterson Public Schools District for the purpose of helping to empower our students and the entire district.
Words cannot express the deep gratitude and appreciation that I have for having been able to come down here to get this information because a lot of this information even though readily available, is very rarely placed in front of you. So, to attend this conference and to get this information in addition to being able to pay homage to a great leader and his family was just the icing on the cake.
I very much hope to one day be able to return to Atlanta, Georgia and also to Birmingham, Alabama so that I can follow the path that Dr. King traveled. I want to be able to see the events that took place with my own eyes. I want to go to Memphis and all the different places because, you know, this really inspired me.
As I return to Paterson completely refreshed, renewed, inspired, and enlightened I fully intend to be the best school board member I can be. I don’t mean that in a competitive tone because really the only person that I must compete with is me.
See you soon, Paterson. See you soon.
Corey Teague
School board member