Paterson school district expected to save $440,000 from Passaic County Tech tuition reduction
By Jayed Rahman
Published: March 9, 2020

Passaic County Technical Institute (PCTI) is lowering its tuition rate by $250 per student for the 2020-21 school year, producing $442,500 in savings for the Paterson school district.
Paterson sends 1,770 students, more than other school districts in the county, to the Passaic County Technical Institute.
“This is important tax relief — over $1 million — for school districts and ultimately residents throughout Passaic County. The relief offered by lowering tuition is in addition to another budget cycle with no increase in the tax levy,” said Passaic County freeholder director Cassandra “Sandi” Lazzara.
11 Passaic County school districts will save a combined $1,043,500 as a result of the tuition reduction.
Clifton which sends 704 students, send biggest after Paterson, will save $176,000. Passaic City school district, third biggest sender with 456 students, will save $114,000, according to the announcement issued on Friday.
The announcement said the county school received additional state funds that allowed it to reduce the tuition rate. The 2019-20 tuition rate at the school is $$11,614. Last time the county school reduced tuition was in 2012.
“I’ve seen Passaic County Technical Institute expand over the years. We are proud of PCTI’s amazing educational programs, services, college acceptance rates, and importantly, the ability to deliver quality education in a fiscally responsible way. The tuition reduction announced this year will help provide important tax relief to residents and taxpayers. PCTI has been a tremendous addition to our county and our community,” said deputy freeholder director Pasquale “Pat” Lepore.
The savings for Paterson comes at a time the district is facing a nearly $64 million budget shortfall for the 2020-21 school year.
Below is a list of the school districts that will benefit from the tuition reduction:
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