Paterson investigating who leaked addresses of people tested positive for coronavirus | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson investigating who leaked addresses of people tested positive for coronavirus

By Jayed Rahman
Published: March 24, 2020


Eleven addresses on a white sheet of paper was posted on social media over the weekend. Each address is that of a person who tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Mayor Andre Sayegh said municipal officials are conducting a “thorough” investigation into the matter.

It’s not clear who first posted the information on Facebook. Health officer Paul Persaud said the sheet is not from his division. He referred questions to law director Farrah Irving.

Irving did not respond to a call for comment.

A tell-tale sign on the sheet is “list updated” at “1100″ hours which may indicate the information came out of the public safety department, suggested two municipal officials. Health officials share the addresses with police and fire to protect first responders.

Public safety director Jerry Speziale did not respond to a message and call for comment for this story.

The list does not contain names of individuals. It appears to be badly outdated. The number of positive cases in Paterson was 22 on Mar. 21 when the list was purportedly last updated.

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