Paterson student, who fell running from wasps at Westside Park, gets $85,000 in settlement from city | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson student, who fell running from wasps at Westside Park, gets $85,000 in settlement from city

By Jayed Rahman
Published: December 31, 2020


A John F. Kennedy High School student, who tripped over a pothole while fleeing a swarm of wasps during an outdoor gym class at Westside Park four years ago, is getting $85,000 in settlement from the city government after his parents sued.

Luis Silverio, the student, suffered “severe and permanent physical, emotional and psychological injuries,” from the fall, according to the lawsuit.

Silverio previously received a $100,000 settlement from the Board of Education related to the same incident in July.

The incident happened on September 16, 2016. Silverio was part of physical education teacher Jason Brandt’s gym class.

Brandt allegedly had the students run laps on the dilapidated pathway in Westside Park. Silverio followed the instructions and began to run laps around the circular path at the park.

Other students started to throw rocks at a tree containing a wasp nest. Wasps began swarming and stinging the students.

Silverio and other students ran towards the school building to flee the wasps. He tripped in one of several potholes on the circular path, “severely” injuring himself, says the lawsuit.

Brandt is accused of failing to properly supervise students and failing to see the presence of a wasp nest in the area where students were told to run laps. He is also accused of failing to prevent students from throwing rocks at the wasp nest, according to the lawsuit.

Silverio accused the Paterson Public Schools of negligence. His lawsuit also accused the city of Paterson of failing to properly maintain the public park.

Silverio attorney sought $100,000 from the city government. Had the case gone to trial it would have cost more than $100,000, said law director Farrah Irving.

Members of the City Council approved the settlement on Tuesday night.

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