Paterson: Sayegh administration borrowing $10.5 million for sewer, park, library, and road repairs | Paterson Times Paterson Times

Paterson: Sayegh administration borrowing $10.5 million for sewer, park, library, and road repairs

By Jayed Rahman
Published: February 17, 2021


Mayor Andre Sayegh’s administration is borrowing $10.54 million to fund park improvements, sewer, library, and road repairs.

Sayegh administration officials submitted five bond measures to the City Council for approval earlier in the month. Council members held a special meeting on Tuesday night to discuss the measures.

Below is a break down of the $10.54 million borrowing measures:

Sayegh’s plan to borrow money to repair Lou Costello Park was opposed by some council members. He had said the park would be renovated using grant funds. His business administrator Kathleen Long on Tuesday night said some of the open space funds the city was anticipating did not materialize.

“Lou Costello Park is homeless infested,” said councilman Alex Mendez. Council members said Sayegh should clean up the park and address homelessness in the area before spending money to give it a face-lift.

“This is the center of the city,” said councilman Luis Velez. He said the Lou Costello Park has to be rehabilitated. “This park is going to be a playground for kids from School 2.”

Councilwoman Maritza Davila favored borrowing to match the grant for the library repairs.

“Our libraries are in dire need,” said Davila.

Sayegh’s latest borrowings will push Paterson’s outstanding debt to $129.36 million. Paterson spent $16.7 million paying down debt in the fiscal 2020 budget.

The $4 million measure for sewer repairs was tabled by the council to its February 23rd meeting. Others were approved for first reading.

Council members have public hearings and final votes on the measures scheduled for March 23rd.

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