16-year-old Paterson boy arrested with handgun, crack cocaine | Paterson Times Paterson Times

16-year-old Paterson boy arrested with handgun, crack cocaine

By Jonathan Greene
Published: June 19, 2021


A city teenager was arrested early Friday evening in alleged possession of a handgun and a dozen baggies of crack cocaine, according to public safety director Jerry Speziale.

Police crashed a street gathering on 12th Avenue and East 22nd Street at around 7:30 p.m. As the males gathered were dispersing, police observed the teen, who is a person of interest in an unrelated investigation.

Officers approached him. He gave them false information about his identity, police said. He was found in possession of a SCCY 9mm handgun and 14 baggies of crack cocaine.

The teen was charged with weapons and drug offenses. He is being held at the Essex County Juvenile Detention Center.

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