Roger Then, who joined the Paterson Police Department almost two years ago, became the fourth police officer to be charged with corruption in less than two months on Wednesday morning for allegedly assaulting a man and filing a misleading police report, according to U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito.
Paterson suspends two police officers without pay
The city suspended two police officers on Friday as a result of an on-going law enforcement corruption investigation.
Paterson cop used police vehicle to deal drugs, says FBI
A 26-year-old officer from the Paterson Police Department — third in two weeks — was arrested for allegedly dealing heroin, crack-cocaine, powder cocaine, and marijuana, according to U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito.
Passaic County prosecutor reviewing cases involving two accused Paterson cops
The Passaic County prosecutor’s office is conducting a review of cases that involved the two city police officers — Jonathan Bustios, 28, and Eudy Ramos, 31 – accused of violating residents’ basic rights and falsifying police reports.
Paterson police early warning system flagged accused officers
The early warning system rolled out at the Paterson Police Department four years ago flagged the two police officers — Jonathan Bustios and Eudy Ramos – charged by the FBI with violating citizens’ basic rights guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.
2 Paterson cops accused of warrantless search, filing false police reports, extortion
The FBI arrested two city police officers on Wednesday morning on charges of illegal motor vehicle stop and extortion, according to federal authorities.