William Fraher, acting chief of Paterson’s Hot Spot Unit, a program of city’s police department that targets crime-ridden neighborhoods with increased patrols, says the strategy of targeting troubled neighborhood is working.
Modeled after the New York City police strategy from the 1990s, which did wonders for that city, the hot-spot targeting is just what the name implies: going into place where crime happens and taking preemptive measures to prevent it.
Mr Fraher says, as a result of this strategy criminal behavior around the city is changing, instead of most crimes taking place during the weekend, now Wednesdays and Saturdays are at the top of crime filled days.
Ruby Cotton, a councilwoman representing one of the crime infested areas of Paterson, concurs with Mr Fraher assessments, saying she has noticed the change in crime, citing that she used to see gangs of individuals hanging about on the streets late into the night but now Ms Cotton sees less of that.
Mr Fraher’s discourse was not accompanied with evidence, proofs, or statistics.