Paterson Board of Education Election results: incumbents take it all | Paterson Times

Paterson Board of Education Election results: incumbents take it all

All three incumbents: Alex Mendez, Christopher Irving, and Kenneth Simmons, retained their seat at the Paterson Board of Education. Only one of the new comers, Alveria Spencer, came very close to beating Christopher Irving, the incumbent with the lowest number of votes.

Full result:

Alex Mendez, 2,226 votes.
Kenneth Simmons, 1,629 votes.
Christopher Irving, 1,580 votes.
Alveria Spencer, 1,453 votes.
Nelly Celi, 1,175 votes.
Juan Sosa, 1,036 votes.
William Connolly, 684 votes.

Mr Irving might have lost a few votes after it emerged that he was taking money from Better Education For Kids or B4K, a supporter of charter schools. The organization donated a paltry $2,600 to Mr Irving’s re-election campaign — maybe that is a great sum for a Board of Education Election.

Ms Spencer, who received the full endorsement of almost every member of the City Council certainly came close to winning; however this simply demonstrates the little influence the City Council exercises over those whom it supposedly governs.

Mr Mendez, who is media shy, had his flyers issued throughout the City in hopes of collecting as many votes as possible; and it worked. He won; however, how much did he spend to earn a volunteer position? Only if he would tell us or file reports with the State.

Updated 11:37pm Tuesday, April 16th, 2013.
