Teenager robbed while attempting to buy Jordans | Paterson Times

Teenager robbed while attempting to buy Jordans


A teenager was robbed on Union Avenue late Monday night when he met a stranger to buy a pair of sneakers, according to Paterson Police Department.

The victim, 16-year-old, met someone through Facebook who claimed he had a pair of Jordan — expensive sneakers coveted by urban youths — and was interested in selling — the suspect and the victim setup a meeting date at the Chicken Supreme on Union Avenue, where the two met at around 11:15 p.m. on Monday night.

The two negotiated a price of $160 for the sneakers, but when the teenager arrived to purchase them, the suspect told him to walk around towards Ryerson Avenue to his vehicle, where the sneaker was located.

The victim unsuspectedly followed only to find there were no sneakers; the suspect pulled out a gun on the teen and demanded everything he had; the suspect made away with the hundred or so dollars and drove away.

  • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

    several people in that area have home surveillance cameras.(I know because we were there after a vicious attack last year of 2 Bengali men).I hope the police check the corner store and home cameras to get the car's license plate and find the suspect.then they should beat the crap out of him for robbing kids.
