Aslon Goow is clearly the people’s choice for Mayor this Tuesday. He is a strong and confident leader and many have said throughout this campaign that they have not seen or heard such a strong leader since the days of Mayor Frank Graves.
Goow’s leadership is indeed a reincarnation of Graves – a no-nonsense approach to handling problems and holding everyone accountable. We need accountability in Paterson today.
The high crime has forced many to live in fear of leaving their homes and too many of our parents to experience the pain of losing a child or family member to gun violence.
Goow will be proactive in combating this in a very real way. He will be a visible presence in our streets and neighborhoods and with the people.
People all over this City have been helped by him when other officials have passed the buck. He turned the 2nd Ward into one of the safest and cleanest areas of the city. He personally confronted the gangs and got them out of the 2nd Ward.
Goow has earned and gained respect because of his tough stance and dedication. So many people believe in him and support him because he is exactly what Paterson needs now.
He will be the kind of Mayor that Frank Graves was – visible, responsive, and accountable – and he is the strong leader who will make Paterson a safer and cleaner City for all of us.
Malikah Abdullah
4th Ward Resident