City library hosting connect to transit seminar | Paterson Times

City library hosting connect to transit seminar


The Danforth Memorial Library on Broadway is hosting a “Connect to Transit Transportation Seminar” sponsored by the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University which will teach individuals working with the elderly “to become informed advocates for public transportation so they can better assist their clients with navigating the public transportation network.”

Social workers, caregivers, volunteers, human services students, student development specialists, counselors and others who serve senior citizens are encouraged to attend the free workshop being hosted at 250 Broadway on Thursday, January 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Attendees will learn the following at the seminar:
• Accessible features on NJ TRANSIT buses, trains and light rail vehicles
• How older riders can get reduced fares
• Tools to plan trips—schedules, maps, and assistance over the phone and online
• Senior focused transportation resources, local transit options and more.

To register contact: Nieves G. Pimienta
Phone: (201) 724-6167 or Email: [email protected]

Free parking is available. Snacks and coffee will be provided.
