Roughly 500 remaining Fetty Wap concert tickets being handed out Tuesday morning | Paterson Times

Roughly 500 remaining Fetty Wap concert tickets being handed out Tuesday morning


The approximately 500 Fetty Wap concert tickets that remained after Monday’s distribution to Paterson high school students will be handed out on Tuesday morning, according to mayor Jose “Joey” Torres’ office.

Leftover tickets will be distributed to Paterson high school students on a first come, first served basis at the gazebo in Pennington Park beginning at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, August 25.

Students must bring their school identification cards in order to receive to receive the free tickets. Passaic County Technical Institute students may present their 2015-2016 printed school schedule or 2015 report card in place of an ID card.

Wap’s concert will take place on Thursday, August 27 from 3-7 p.m. at Bauerle Field, 98 Oak Street, in Paterson. In the event of rain the concert will be moved to John F. Kennedy High School, 61 Preakness Avenue.

  • Cee Murray

    I Am A Student Enrolled At Garrett Morgan Academy In Paterson . We Have Not Received Our School Id's or School Schedules So What About Us ???? I Think This Is Totally Unfair To The People Who Doesn't Have School id's

    • ric flair

      Consider yourself lucky. Why would anybody want to see a performer that glorifies drug use.

      • dane

        cause nowadays society is so sucked in this life of drugs, perverted minds , sex, and no education , it's cool to be an idiotic no moral dumb tough person not like back then nobody has morals anymore and fetty wrap music is garbage idk why the mayor would allow this knowing it's not only gonna be high school kids this is gonna make a mess guarenteed
