The election results from this year’s school board race were disappointing at best. Due to an expected low turnout and politics as usual, I wasn’t successful in securing a 2nd term on the board.
That is not the end. I will continue fighting for you with twice as much vigor and determination as I did while serving on the BOE. For those of you who made up the 2,100 votes for me, I appreciate you.
I want you to know that I’m only a phone call away. My goal and focus was to advocate for the parents–to be their voice. The powers that be thought it robbery to allow me to continue to represent the interests of the community. Being outspoken and demonstrative isn’t popular nowadays especially when politics are involved.
Needless to say I will continue to be an active parent and your advocate; this I will do till the day I take my last breath. Again, I thank you for the time you have allowed me to serve you as a school board member.
It was one heck of a ride. I will be here if and when you need me.
Corey L. Teague