Paterson creates area for taxis in new zoning plan | Paterson Times

Paterson creates area for taxis in new zoning plan


The city’s new zoning plan allows taxi companies to operate in industrial areas, according to municipal officials.

Allowing taxi companies to operate in specific parts of the city in the zoning plan will potentially reduce the bureaucratic hurdles many firms face after obtaining medallions.

The new master plan redefines what is allowed in the industrial areas. A definition change will allow taxicabs to operate out of industrial zones zones, according to officials.

“I heard they are going to allow it in industrial zones,” said Edgar Collazo. “I guess that would mean if you’re in an industrial zone you don’t need a variance.”

Collazo said it took him about two years to move his company into operation after obtaining several taxi medallions from the city due to zoning hurdles. He attended 10 to 15 city council meetings lobbying for his company.

He eventually obtained an administrative approval to run his company out of the Wrigley Park section of the city.

Collazo is not alone. Other new taxi companies have complained of similar problems. He is hoping the change in zoning laws will make the establishing process easier for new taxi companies.

The city council will take a preliminary vote on the new zoning and land development ordinance on Tuesday evening.

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