Sheriff: Paterson man cut detention bracelet and ran from cops | Paterson Times

Sheriff: Paterson man cut detention bracelet and ran from cops


A city man cut his home detention bracelet and attempted to disappear but was caught by sheriff’s officers on Tuesday, according to Passaic County Sheriff Richard Berdnik.

Jose Rosado, 47-year-old, was caught at the intersection of Broadway and Straight Street by warrant detectives, authorities said.

Rosado had six outstanding criminal warrants, authorities said. Authorities said Rosado was lodged back into the Passaic County Jail pending sentencing on February 26.

“I want to commend all members of the Sheriff’s Office from both the Law Enforcement and Corrections Division for moving quickly and putting this suspect back into custody,” Berdnik said. “The PCSO will not tolerate any inmate who violates any provision of a court order.”

  • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

    did he commit the 6 outstanding warrants before or after the bracelet? if before the bracelet, why wasn't he immediately locked up?if after the bracelet,the first thing he did wrong would be a violation of probation & he should have been jailed at the first offense. this guy is a perfect example of why criminals belong in jail,NOT given chance after chance & coddled by our failed legal system.they cannot be allowed to roam loose among hard working,law-abiding residents. hinchcliff stadium would make a good "extra" jail.
