Paterson, Weehawken pass joint resolution to keep Alexander Hamilton on $10 bill | Paterson Times

Paterson, Weehawken pass joint resolution to keep Alexander Hamilton on $10 bill


The Paterson city council approved a joint resolution with Weehawken to keep its founder Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill joining an ever growing opposition against booting the founding father off the currency.

The resolution reads both municipalities would like to see “Hamilton’s image on the ten dollar bill exclusively.” The two governing bodies are not alone in demanding Hamilton remain on the $10.

Rep. Bill Pascrell also urged the United States Treasury to keep the Silk City’s founder on the $10. He suggested using the $20 bill to showcase women’s contribution to the United States. The congressman noted the $20 has a far higher circulation rate than the $10.

Treasury secretary Jacob J. Lew opened up the redesign process for the $10 bill in summer of last year. He asked the public which woman from American history should be on the paper currency since Martha Washington briefly appeared on the $1 silver certificate in the 19th century.

The secretary provided some indication Hamilton may not be entirely removed from the currency. “Alexander Hamilton has left an enduring mark on our nation’s history.  That is why we will make sure that his image will remain a part of the $10 note,” Lew remarked in June of last year.

Lew was expected to announce a decision in December, but that deadline came and went without any words.

Hamilton, the first secretary of treasury, founded Paterson in 1792 to reduce America’s reliance on foreign industrial goods. His planned industrial city thrived for the next century and half becoming a hub for industrial innovation by producing the Colt revolver, the first motorized submarine, first water-powered cotton spinning mill, the first continuous roll paper, and much more.

Hamilton died on July 12th, 1804 from injuries he sustained in a duel with his political rival Aaron Burr in Weehawken. The site of the duel is now called Hamilton Park. A memorial has been erected at the site in his honor.

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