Teague: Paterson school board given control of an empty purse | Paterson Times

Teague: Paterson school board given control of an empty purse


As a former board of education member I was delighted to hear that the New Jersey State Board of Education voted unanimously to return control of 2 key DPRs to the board, finance and personnel.

While I celebrate this landmark decision which ends decades of state control, I am equally concerned with the timing of this decision. Paterson Public Schools faces yet another year of excruciating cuts due to the budget. It would seem rather odd to give the board finance at time when the district is in a financial deficit.

PPS has already been flat funded for the current fiscal year by the NJDOE and I doubt that they’ll release any additional funds at this time.

I fear that the Paterson Board of Ed. has been given control of an empty purse.

The community must take their rightful places at the meetings. We must hold our commissioners fully responsible going forward. The time to speak up is now. The education of our children weighs in the balance.

Corey Teague
Former school board member
