22 people displaced in two fires in Paterson | Paterson Times

22 people displaced in two fires in Paterson


A fire on East 37th Street and another on Bridge Street displaced 22 people over the past 24 hours, according to the American Red Cross, New Jersey Region.

Two families consisting of 12 people were displaced as a result of the East 37th Street fire while two more families made up of 10 people were displaced as a result of the Bridge Street fire.

All four families are being provided with emergency assistance including lodging, according to the Red Cross.

Check back for more information as it becomes available.

  • http://www.facebook.com/animalabusewar Animal Abuse War

    every day, paterson is burning down. maybe if inspectors did their job & actually inspected each house on schedule,they would find the million violations.& of course stop doing favors & "passing" certain "people" although there are violations present.a lot of fires are started by idiot residents,but many are due to outdated electric & other problems, & could easily be prevented.
