10 high school students from the Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology spent their spring break building a generator to provide electricity to a Haitian orphanage.
Before traveling to the Caribbean island nation accompanied by 4 school staff members, the students, all members of the school’s Embrace Relief Club collected donations from school staff, other students, and the community.
Students raised enough money to purchase a generator for the orphanage. The 10 students and 4 staff members traveled to the impoverished nation to install the generator at the orphanage themselves. After the installation was completed the orphans had 9 hours of power a day as opposed to the usual 3-4 hours.
In addition to volunteering at the orphanage, students donated clothes, food, school supplies and toiletries to the orphanage.
Due to efforts of the students the orphanage had electricity for the first time in seven years. The club developed its affection for the Haitian nation with its first trip last year. Students formed the club in 2015 to help those who need help with basic necessities of life like food, water, education, and so forth.
Each year the students agree on a project in places like Haiti. Then, instead of simply donating funds through a relief organization, the students travel to the destination, use their hands, to deliver relief directly to those impacted.
“It is incredible to see our students’ desire to give back to communities and immerse themselves in different cultures,” commended Riza Gurcanli, lead person at the Paterson Charter School for Science and Technology.
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