Teague: Paterson voters sent a message | Paterson Times

Teague: Paterson voters sent a message


I must thank you for coming out and making your voices heard and your presence felt on Election Day. Your responses at the polls to the candidates seeking to fill city council seats while yet serving on the school board was unprecedented.

You sent a clear message. That being politics as usual is no longer acceptable. Because of your activism, particularly in the 3rd & 5th wards, the word is out that our children will no longer be used for political leverage.

Hopefully, a new day is dawning in Paterson. Again, you spoke loud and clear.

Thank you Paterson.

In solidarity,

Corey L. Teague
Former school board member & city activist.

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    Thank you for speaking up for our children Mr Teague, I am convinced that PEARSON rigged the vote because you were the sole voice of reason on the awful CRAPP (PARCC) test. The millions being pissed away on a test in a financially starved district, the hiring of subs to cover staffers and the weeks of lost instruction time
