Police officers arrested 27-year-old Raymond Gonzalez and seized an assault rifle in the backyard of a Mill Street home early Sunday morning, said police director Jerry Speziale.
Gonzalez was observed standing inside a fenced in rear yard with a MAK-90 Sporter 762×30 caliber AK assault rifle within arm’s reach at about 3:30 a.m.
Police officers Manuel Gonzalez and Mark Defrancesco arrested Gonzalez without an incident. He was charged with various weapons offenses including having in possession a prohibited weapon.
“The officers involved may have averted a serious incident from occurring by removing such a high power weapon,” said Speziale.
Speziale said Gonzalez was also charged with receiving stolen property for having a weapon that was reported stolen.
The non-sporterized MAK-90 has been utilized by militias in various Cold Ward theaters. It continues to be utilized by militiamen engaged in conflict in both Iraq and Afghanistan.