Teague: Paterson voters need to elect school board members without special interest ties | Paterson Times

Teague: Paterson voters need to elect school board members without special interest ties


Gov. Christie is petitioning the New Jersey Supreme Court to have the Abbott ruling reconsidered and possibly reversed. To my knowledge and belief, his intentions are to attack teachers, children and public schools.

He’s attempting to justify his egregious behavior by accusing urban school districts like Paterson of being “urban failure centers” when the reality is that the state has held control for 25 years. If anyone has failed it is the NJDOE.

Why should urban school districts be subjected to such unnecessary punishment and further financial bleeding? Over the past several years, Paterson Public Schools has been forced to endure outrageous cuts to programs, staff and services because of the illegal and unconstitutional underfunding of the Paterson public school district.

In the coming months there will be a school board election. Paterson will be given the task of selecting 4 representatives to serve on the Paterson school board. It is vitally important that Paterson voters elected school board members who will take no issue with rolling up their sleeves, ruffling some feathers and holding people accountable so that our children can have a fighting chance.

It is important that Paterson voters elected school board members who are not tied to any special interest groups, contracts or political patronage positions. Paterson must elect school board members who care about the future of the children of Paterson.

This is a very important election.

Corey L. Teague
School board candidate

  • MarquinhoGaucho

    We need you back Mr Teague. The Charter special interests have a huge vested interest in destroying public education and destroying the unions so they can maximize profit by providing the cheapest education possible. I do not want them playing politics with my children.
