Paterson council approves contract with health department union boosting salaries to $30,000 | Paterson Times

Paterson council approves contract with health department union boosting salaries to $30,000


The city council approved a collective bargaining agreement with the union that represents Paterson Health Department employees boosting the minimum salaries of workers at the end of the contract to $30,000, according to city records.

The agreement with American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 52, Local 430 runs from July 1st, 2014 through June 30th, 2019. The agreement covers approximately 60 employees who will receive across the board 2-percent retroactive pay increases with the exception of employees whose base salaries are $29,000 or less will receive $1,000 in pay increase. Those with more than $29,000, but less than $29,412 will see their salaries boosted to $30,000, according to the agreement.

Employees will receive 2-percent pay increases in 2017, 2018, according to the agreement. By the end the agreement the minimum salary for health department employees will be raised to $30,000.

It’s not clear how much the city will pay to all the employees in the union in retroactive pay. However, the city will pay one-half of the retroactive money within 90 days and the rest will be paid in July 2017, according to the agreement.

The contract also has provisions to contain brand name prescription drugs cost by requiring a “necessity requirement.” The contract also allows the city to switch to the state health benefits plan.

The council approved the contract on November 22nd, 2016.

Councilman Luis Velez inquired about the status of the blue collar public works union contract.

Business administrator Nellie Pou repeated the city’s position stating the union has decided to not come to the negotiating table. However, the union’s president Michael Jackson has previously told the council the city has reneged on a negotiated agreement forcing him to file a labor violation complaint with the state.

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