Paterson cops save 23-year-old drug overdose victim | Paterson Times

Paterson cops save 23-year-old drug overdose victim


A 23-year-old Wallington woman suffering from a drug overdose on Wednesday night was rendered responsive following the quick administration of a dose of anti-overdose drug Naloxone by city police officers, according to the Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office.

Police officer found the victim overdosed on heroin behind the Family Dollar on Straight and Van Houten streets at around 11:13 p.m. on Dec. 21. When officers arrived at the location, the subject was observed to be breathing slowly and had a fast pulse, authorities said on Tuesday.

Officers quickly administered the victim a spray of Naloxone into her nostrils to counteract the opioid overdose. She became responsive and alert. She is the 91st person to be rescued using Naloxone in Passaic County this year, according to the prosecutor’s office.

  • PeeJay

    Jonathan, the story is appreciated, but the story is not complete.
    Was this woman arrested ? IE possession of narcotics, under the influence in a Motor Vehicle?

    How about publishing the name like done in the weekly narcotic sweep?

    Unlikely to stop most out-of-towners from coming to Paterson for drugs,
    but if it discourages just one person for fear, then it's worth it.

    Also, was this woman presented with a bill for the Naloxone and if brought afterward
    in an ambulance to St. Joseph, was she presented with the bill for the ride and E.R. Service?

    Our citizens can't keep giving Junkies free service to save their lives
    so they can keep doing this without consequences.

    • Karacay Doe

      Even if she was given a bill, it's not like she's going to pay for it!

      • PeeJay

        Well Karacay, are you saying we should not even try to give her a bill?
        Just give her a nice pat on the head and a lollipop?

        That is why there are JAILS.
        If one does not pay the costs and fines,
        Then, they can have a free vacation at the Grey Bar Motel courtesy of your Uncle Leo.
        After all, she can find money to pay for her dope habit, she can pay all the penalty's

  • Jay speakTruth

    Hey johnny boy (editor)
    Wheres her name like the rest of the people caught in paterson on a opioid overdose or drug related crime? Shes above 18, and you just refer to her as a "wallington woman." Lol you're a disgrace guy, give it up. The discrimination and HATE is systematically engraved into you bums. You're no better than any person walking paterson, trust me.

    • Jesus

      I dont think police give names out for victims

      • PeeJay

        I hardly think this woman is a victim, unless you are counting her as a victim of her own stupidity. A victim, by Webster's Dictionary's definition is " one that is injured, destroyed, or sacrificed under any of various conditions". In her case, it is self inflicted. She knew what she was doing yet, ignored the perils and therefore, had the consequences, of which I hope there are legal and financial consequences too.

        As for you Jay speakTruth, I don't recall any names given here on the Paterson Times of any of these nitwits that O.D.'d previously, but I think it's time their names are given. Probably as well as their address's too.

        If it really comes down to it, it is the Dope Dealers that are causing this and the Paterson Police are negligent. There are a few dozen well known dope dealing spots in this city. If there was a police presence there 24 hours per day and when these dealers move to avoid the five-oh, the police shadow them, the buyers would have a very hard time to get to the sellers.

        Finally, there are the MR BIG's that control the lieutenants and foot soldiers for the heroin trade. These underlings are just cannon fodder for the cops snt b y the MR BIGS, but the MR BIGS, never get caught because they are paying off the cops, the politicians and the system. Would not surprise me if the government system themselves are found to be
        the MR BIGS

        After all, most heroin comes from Afghanistan and if we are to believe that US Troops were there to finish off the Taliban and establish freedom, we are sadly mistaken. There is only ONE product Afghanistan has suitable for export. HEROIN

        • JonnyBoy TheEditor SucksNuts

          I agree with everything you said. But i want her name and address, like everyone elses. I demand to know it if this site wants to avoid a boycott. We want an unbiased news reporting service, not this bullshit.

  • Peter McDougal

    Jay speaktruth, you're a real one. Fight for the ones that cant
