I would like to take a moment to congratulate chairman John Currie on being honored for Black History Month in Paterson. A product of our city from humble beginnings, chairman Currie has dedicated his life to public service and the idea that our community is stronger when we are dedicated to equal rights and equal opportunity.
His life’s work has never been a solitary journey; he lifts all people to realize their full potential: from strengthening minority representation to growing the Democratic Party and increasing public discourse.
Chairman Currie paved the way for the first minority to the Freeholder Board in 1996, the first Hispanic freeholder in 2000, the first African-American freeholder director in 2004, the first female African-American clerk in 2005, and the first Muslim freeholder in 2016.
Through his own personal narrative, he has proven that one person can make a difference. He has charted a course for others to follow. In honoring chairman Currie with the Black History Month award, we celebrate not just the man himself, but his example that when come together as a community, for the community, we can all make positive differences.
Al Abdelaziz
Former 6th Ward city council candidate