Teague: ‘School board has become nothing more than an extension of the political mess this city is in’ | Paterson Times

Teague: ‘School board has become nothing more than an extension of the political mess this city is in’


I recently attended a school board meeting to voice my concerns about the process being used to select the next schools chief. I later found out that several board members had colorful comments in response. One comment suggested, in so many words, that the role of boards members in this matter was to protect fellow board members.

It pains me to remind the board that their role as board members is not to protect each other but rather to protect and serve the needs of the children. Each board member was elected individually. As such, each board member is responsible for protecting and or defending who they are individually. This whole idea of a “team” as the majority of the current board presents it, is overrated. This seems to be one of the biggest issues in this district presently. The public didn’t elect board members to vote the same way or to have the exact same ideas or to line up behind one person in the form of a stacked deck of block votes.

I fear the school board has become nothing more than an extension of the political mess this city is in. We talk about teams as if this is a game when it is not. We are talking about children’s lives. Children whose very futures are hung in the balance of the decisions being made by our school board members. As a community activist and former school board member, I have every right to attend every meeting and speak out about every issue I think should be addressed. To the board members: you opted to serve in public office. You filed the petitions. You ran for office. You signed up for this.

At times, you will be subjected to public opinion. It’s part of the process.

Corey L. Teague
Ex-board member, activist
