Vandals steal gate from Paterson playground | Paterson Times

Vandals steal gate from Paterson playground


The entrance gate of the Ralph Di Marcantonio was stolen by vandals earlier in the month, according to a police report.

Anthony “Tony” Vancheri, president of the Paterson Veterans Council, said the playground in the corner of North 8th and Oxford Streets was vandalized between Sept. 2 and Sept. 6, 2017.

Vancheri told police the black metal gate costs $400. He said the vandals even tried to steal a 300-pound bench from the playground.

The playground was recently renovated by the Paterson Veterans Council using $43,000 in grant money from the Passaic County government in hopes of providing a safe haven for children in the northern portion of Paterson.

Playground is named after former 1st Ward councilman and veteran Ralph Di Marcantonio. He served in U.S. Marine in World War II.

The playground does not have cameras, said Vancheri.

Email: [email protected]

  • Plumber

    that's a shocker, check the local scrap yards, they'll buy anything

    • MarquinhoGaucho

      exactly, the junkies were stealing the metal protectors from the highway . They got $20 for it but cost 1 million to replace.

  • Dominick Perez

    "Vandals" lol, you mean crack heads.

    • Nickolas Salokcin

      You mean dope fiends from out of town.

      • Dominick Perez

        Paterson has plenty of home grown ones

        • Nickolas Salokcin

          Have you been downtown lately?
