The city has awarded a contract for site work at the Vistas Park at the very end of Jasper Street.
The former 8.5-acre housing development site will eventually have a scenic viewing area atop the cliff overlooking the Great Falls with a pathway running from Jasper Street to Ryle Avenue. The site will also have a concession stand and a comfort station for visitors to the Great Falls National Historical Park.
Franklin-based Ferraro Construction was awarded a $84,000 contract to complete site work at the location last month. Nine firms bid for the site work contract. The Franklin-based firm submitted the lowest price.
The city earlier in the year applied for $250,000 in grant funding from the Passaic County government to create a master plan for the new park. That would cover planning and design for a trail network and development of construction documents.
The state government acquired the 8.5-acre site for $5.7 million after controversy erupted when a developer tried to build a series of housing buildings. The apartments would have impaired the Great Falls park.
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